Day 251: Castle on a hill


Outside of San Felipe Castle

As one of the most important ports in the West Indies, Cartagena is fortified with an outstanding example of military architecture from the 16th-18th centuries.  It was the most extensive in the New World and one of the most complete which is why the “Old City”, fort, and nearby monuments were recognized as a world heritage site.  Dominating the landscape is the imposing Castillo de San Felipe de Barajas which was the largest fort ever built by the Spanish in their colonies.  The basic structure was constructed between 1639 and 1657 on top of a 40 meter hill in the middle of the city and was later expanded to cover the entire hilltop.  It was the strongest and most impregnable fort in any of Spain’s colonies and was never taken despite numerous attempts.  Inside is a complex network of tunnels connecting various strategic points to distribute supplies and facilitate evacuations.  We enjoyed getting lost in the “low-clearance” tunnels and imagined what life was like for those who called the fort home.

Castelo de San Felipe de Barajas. Uma fortaleza localizada fora da cidade muralhada, e em um ponto estratégico de onde eram controladas as invasões, tanto por terra como por mar. Essa contrução do século XVII, teve uma demora de mais de 100 anos para se concluir e resistiu a vários ataques na cidade. Um exemplo de obra militar espanhola no novo mundo, esse é o mais novo site da Unesco  da Colômbia. Atualmente um super ponto turístico, e sendo até possível andar nos túneos subterrâneos do castelo. Escuro, humido e claustrofóbico é assim que podemos descreve como é andar debaixo da terra. Ainda bem que hoje em dia não existem mais invasões, porque morar alí em baixo não ia dar.

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2 thoughts on “Day 251: Castle on a hill

  1. How was the experience walking in low-clearance tunnels ?
    Did you get claustrophobic ?
    I would !!!

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