Day 232: That’s what we’re talking about


Kikoya de Cayeye

Figuring out what to eat every day is not always a simple task so when locals suggest local food for us to try, it facilitates our lives. We strolled into a stylish café for lunch and had pizza on our minds but the owner suggest we try some Kikoya de Cayeye. We hadn’t heard of it before and just partially understood her description but were hungry so said why not give it a go. When the baked bowls of goodness arrived, we couldn’t help but smile at what had the appearance of something tasty. We learned that Kikoya is a typical dish from the Colombian Caribbean coast, and especially from the banana zone around Santa Marta. It contains green bananas that are cooked, mashed, and then sautéed in a stew of tomato, onion and minced garlic and then baked. The grated parmesan cheese and saucy cream on top pushed the plate to the top of the list and had us in heaven.

Estávamos com fome, e não sabíamos o que comer. Foi então que tivemos a brilhante idéia de entrar no restaurante/café mais legal daqui da cidade, o La Muzzeria. A princípio iamos pedir uma pizza, mas a simpática muchacha nos sugeriu o Kikoya de Cayeye. E nos surpreendemos não só com a aparência, mas com o saboroso sabor da comida. Prato típico da costa do Caribe Colombiano, mas precisamente da zona bananeira de Magdalena (Santa Marta), aqui vai os ingredientes de dar água na boca. Purê de bananas verdes, guisado de tomate, cebola, alho, urucum, carne ou frango com queijo gratinado de cobertura. Bryan experimentou o de Pollo (frango) e eu o de Lomo (carne). Muito gostoso, mas a melhor parte foi o amor que nosso prato foi preparado: ))

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4 thoughts on “Day 232: That’s what we’re talking about

  1. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh que lindo!!!!!!!
    Foi para comemorar, o niver de casamento ???
    amo vcs

  2. Awwwhhhh !!!
    This is the cutest thing ever !!! Besides the looking !!!
    I want one too !!!

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