Day 131: Home Sweet Home

South Africa

Our home for the next two weeks

After driving more than 700 miles in our rental car and enjoying some adventure and some quality R&R along the Garden Route, we’re ready for a little work.  Actually, we’re volunteering at an organic farm in Wellington which is about 50 miles outside of Cape Town.  Dr. Edmund and his wife Elsie run Upland Organic Estate which is composed of about 120 acres of fertile land that produce grapes, olives, nuts, handicrafts, among other eco-friendly products.  They regularly receive volunteers from around the world to help out so lucky for us- being an experienced farm hand is not required…  We’re set up in a small pull behind trailer with a kitchen area that has a refrigerator and microwave, a “dining” table, a full sized bed, a closet and Wi-Fi access is even available for us.  The toilet, solar-heated shower, and sink are close by so we have everything we need.  We aren’t exactly sure what tasks we’ll be doing but we’re ready to learn a little about life on the farm and get our hands a little dirty.

Foram 1100km dirigindo pelas mais belas estradas, passamos por lugares inesquecíveis e a Rota Jardim, ficará na memória para sempre. E como já descansamos bastante, está na hora de trabalhar um pouquinho. Conseguimos um voluntáriado em Wellington, cidade no subúrbio de Cape Town e agora acabou a mamata, daqui pra frente é só trabaiar na roça mesmo uai, debaixo do sol. Upland Winery and Organic Farm é onde ficaremos pelas próximas duas semanas. Claro que não deu para ver os 490.000 metros quadrados de fazendo, mas nossos hosts Edmund e Elsie nos recepcionaram muito bem e nos levaram até nossa nova home sweet home. Isso mesmo um trailler! Equipadissíma, com uma cama de casal, guarda-roupa, mesa com cadeiras, frigobar e até fogão para cozinhar. O banheiro e a pia, ficam do lado de fora da casa, mas nem nos importamos. O que iremos fazer ao certo? Ótima pergunta, ainda não sabemos, mas estamos dispostos a dar o melhor de nós nessa diferente experiência.

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4 thoughts on “Day 131: Home Sweet Home

  1. “Be it ever so humble, there’s no place like home,” so saith the old song.
    “Better is a little with the fear of the LORD, than great treasure with trouble. Better is a dinner of herbs where love is, Than a fatted calf with hatred.” (Prov. 15:17-18)
    “He who tills his land will be satisfied with bread,…” (Prov. 12:11)– especially when he gets a lot of volunteer labor. :-)

    1. Norman,
      Our compact quarters have opened our eyes to what we “really” need, which is not much. Also, our sleep has been pretty sweet so far…

  2. The trailer looks good and are very well equiped… You have more things inside it than I have in my studio :)
    Good luck with the job !

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