Day 31: Island travel


Our 140 mile journey from Puerto Princesa to El Nido by van was a six-hour nightmare that couldn’t end soon enough.  We realized that we were in for a ride once we got out of town where the driver could open up the 15 passenger mini-van a bit.  It seemed like he was either an aspiring Formula One racer or that we had just hopped in his getaway car.  Through the winding mountain roads it was nonstop accelerating, braking, swerving, honking, near misses, and nausea.  Along the way, we passed countless motorized tricycles which are one of the most common modes of local transportation in Palawan.  They are cheap and efficient to get around town and can even transport live pigs.  Even though the max speed probably doesn’t top more than 30 MPH, we would consider the slower pace for the trip back instead of riding the rollercoaster van again.

Foram 6 horas de pesadelo sem fim, numa estrada que nunca vimos igual, burraco pra todo lado, a chuva caindo e a mini-van com 15 passageiros quase ficou atolada. Junto com o motorista que parecia estar fugindo da polícia, conseguimos chegar sãs e salvos no paraíso chamado El Nido. Ficaremos aqui por 8 dias, se essa chuva parar conseguiremos aproveitar um pouco. Já colocamos até um ovo em cima do telhado, como manda a simpatia. E não é que funcionou?!!! A chuva deu uma trégua e fomos dar uma voltinha na ilha. Aqui os recursos são bem poucos, tem blackout todos os dias das 6h as 14h, nenhum caixa eletrônico (ainda bem que temos dinheiro suficiente), e a maioria das pousadas o banho é só frio (ainda bem que conseguimos uma com agua quente, ufa). O meio de transporte mais eficiente e mais comum é a moto triciclo. Notamos também que a carne de porco é muito barata e tradicional na mesa dos Filipinos, por isso eles tratam os porcos da melhor forma possível e até levam os mesmos para dar uma voltinha na cidade.

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7 thoughts on “Day 31: Island travel

  1. Super aventura mesmo. È díficl até descrever como foi a experiência. Bryan ficando pálido, os olhos virando, passando super mal, maior dó… Depois que passa agente dá risada!

  2. Hey, Guys, Your description of the van ride sounds almost like a description of the first trip I took out of Manila, across Luzon to Quezon City with a couple of additional factors. Mine started late afternoon and lasted till about 11 PM and the trip over the mountains was in a steady down pour making for some very slippery conditions. Before we reached our destination, I was using my hands for cushion for my bottom had gotten so sore I could hardly sit there at all. But the hospitality at the end of the line was warm and friendly with a large table filled with food for me and the eight or ten Filipinos who chose to accompany me to attend the lessons I was to take part in.

    1. We couldn’t imagine doing the same trip without daylight. It only started raining with about 2 hours left but it didn’t faze the driver much… We are not looking forward to the return trip…

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