Day 315: Everybody’s gone surfin’

El Salvador

Getting ready for the waves at El Tunco

El Salvador is world renown for its great surfing and attracts people from across the globe looking to catch the perfect wave.  El Tunco is probably the most visited beach because along with its ideal surfing conditions, the outdoor activity possibilities and laid back atmosphere make it an attractive place for all kinds of travelers.  Another bonus is that the locals in the idyllic village are happy, humble and welcoming to the tanned visitors with sun-bleached hair.  Although we don’t plan on “hanging 10”, we’ll enjoy watching the seasoned pros impressively ride the giant and powerful waves.

El Salvador é mundialmente conhecido por suas praias com grandes ondas. Mais precisamente a Playa de El Tunco. É aqui que os surfistinhas de todo os lugares vem curtir a maré. Boas ondas, ventos em todas as direções juntamente com a areia preta. Os caiçaras que aqui moram, além de venderem seus artesanatos, são super simpáticos e amigáveis fazendo um clima praiano super agradável. Aulas de surf são bem populares pelos surfistas malhados e com cabelo descolorido e banhado pelo sol. Embora não surfamos, apreciamos muito os corajosos em se aventurar nas ondas gigantes.

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2 thoughts on “Day 315: Everybody’s gone surfin’

  1. Sim, varias escolas de surf…
    Deu vontade de fazer uma aulinha, mas o mar e brabo pra caramba, entonces, deixa pra proxima!

  2. I was thought that Costa Rica would be the best place for surf, and I am surprised with this info.
    Are there surf schools where you can learn ?
    Did you have the urge to try it out ?

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