Day 295: A people’s revolution


Mural at the Museum of the Revolution

Established in 1524, León is the second largest city in Nicaragua whose name comes from the Spanish original.  It had a prominent role in the country’s turbulent revolution and was the de facto headquarters for the Sandinistas and the FSLN social democratic political party.  During the 1979 uprising, the Sandinistas took over the city in violent street by street fighting.  After the president/dictator had the city bombed and the National Guard controlled the streets, the radicals waged bloody guerrilla warfare to recover the advantage until the government fell.  During our visit to the Museum of the Revolution, our guide explained the violent and chaotic history the city experienced and gave us firsthand insight to what it was like to take part as an armed 14-year-old.  Shocking and harrowing, we’re glad to be visiting during a much more peaceful period.

Fundada em 1524, Leon é a maior segunda cidade da Nicarágua. Papel importantíssimo na revolução mais turbulenta do país e sede para os sandinistas e partido social-democrata. A loucura de 1979 começou quando o presidente/ditador bombadeou aos guardas nacionais que controlavam as ruas, e os sandinistas tentando ter controle da situação, começaram a guerra sangrenta. Durante nossa visita ao Museu da Revolução, nosso guia nos explicou a história e um passado violento e caótico que durou por pelo menos uns 14 anos. Muito chocante, angustiante. Estamos contentes de ter esperado tanto tempo para visitar a cidade e que tudo esta mais pacificado.

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One thought on “Day 295: A people’s revolution

  1. This is a very interesting country, must admit ! Dictators, corruption, and natural disasters. In spite of these, I believe its people are humble and love their country !

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