Day 158: Happy Birthday Julika


The birthday girl with Aunt and Uncle

Even though our little niece, Julia, turned the big number 5 last week, she consented to delaying her party so that we could take part in the festivities as well.  Her dad, Julio, is without a doubt one of the best amateur pizza makers in the world and we enjoyed all types from tuna to nachos and even a chocolate/banana special for dessert.  Lucky Aunt Márcia was awarded the first piece of the Black Forest cake by the clever and intelligent little girl.  She showed off her rollerblading and handwriting abilities but mostly was just happy to be around us and we reciprocated the feeling.  After eating too much pizza and cake we played with the little ones and chatted with the family.  It felt nice to be around people we love and reminded us once again what’s really important in life.

O aniversário dela foi no final de semana passado, mas como estávamos para chegar, eles nos esperaram para comemorar. Julião, o super cunhando cozinheiro, fazendo várias pizzas maravilhosas para os familiares, e o bolo Floresta Negra sendo esperado na hora dos Parabéns. Julia Lívia, nossa sobrinha querida, fez 5 aninhos. Garota esperta, inteligente, linda e companheira ficou nos mostrando o quanto esta dominando em cima dos patins, o como ela sabe escrever o nome dela, e dá pra perceber que tudo que ela mais quer é estar ao nosso lado brincando, somente a nossa compania é suficiente para a felicidade reinar. Velhinha soprada, bolo cortado e o primeiro pedaço, sem pensar duas vezes foi diretamente para a Tia Má!!! Que linda… acho que a Tia Rose perdeu a vez… rsrs (brincadeira, ela continua te amando,  não precisa ficar com ciumes, okay rsrs!!!)

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One thought on “Day 158: Happy Birthday Julika

  1. Come on !!! First piece of cake for you tia Ma’ ?
    Esta podendo hein ? kkkkkk
    Thanks for sharing these moments here…
    It is nice to see our nephews growing… and still be part of their life…

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