Day 119: The Friendly City

South Africa

Beautiful Port Elizabeth

It didn’t take much time in Port Elizabeth for us to realize that we had arrived in a place unlike any other we had known in Africa.  The 5th largest city in South Africa is clean, organized, developed, and could easily pass as a city in Europe.  Another striking difference is the demographic makeup of the country compared with our previous stops in Africa.  While we are still in the great minority, there are Caucasian looking people everywhere so we don’t get as many strange looks walking around.  The area is home to over 40 kilometers of white sands and beautiful beaches that have been packed with families on summer vacation.  Our hotel is right near Nelson Mandela Bay where we have been enjoying the boardwalk in peace, feeling the cool sea breeze, and even jumping for joy to be alive and well in Africa…

Mal chegamos e nossa impressão é que não estamos mais no continente africano. Porto Elizabeth é muito limpo, civilizado e desenvolvido. Outro detalhe notável é que aqui no Sul, encontramos não somente negros, mas várias loiros de olhos verde/azul (que fazem Bryan se sentir mais a vontade) pois são os que restaram da colonização britânica no século 19. Além de obter o maior porto do continente africano, são 40km de belíssimas praias. Nosso hotel fica ao lado da Nelson Mandela bay, onde nada mais é que um lindo calçadão onde podemos caminhar tranquilamente, aproveitando a brisa do mar e até pular para a foto!

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One thought on “Day 119: The Friendly City

  1. Cunhado Bryan, I will buy you a trampoline just to see your happy face as shown in this picture : D
    Keep it up guys !!!

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