Day 56: Swimming with Sea turtles


The shallow, clear waters and marine life in front of our cottage on Gili Air make an ideal setting for sea exploration through snorkeling.  Besides the colorful and lively fish and corals, there are also lots of sea turtles that roam the waters.  One morning we crossed paths with two at the same time.  The smaller one took off immediately and seemed a little scared to have encountered two non-turtles.  But the bigger one did not mind having some company for a while and even posed for some good pictures.  These turtles have some powerful lungs and only need to surface for air every few minutes.  There is some serious turtle awareness and conservation going on at the Gilis so these reptiles are being looked after and looked at by locals and visitors alike.

 Duas tartarugas! Isso mesmo, foi o que encontramos nas águas claras de Gili Air nessa manhã. Uma era um pouco pequena, ficou com medo e saiu nadando a outra já um pouco maior, além de nos deixar nadar com ela, até ficou posando para a foto. Gili Air é um cenário perfeito para encontrar tartarugas marinhas, principalmente pelos projetos de conservação que acontecem nas ilhas. Nossa amiga ficava muito tempo debaixo da água, e depois subia para respirar, coisa mais linda.

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