Imagina na Copa…


At the Belgium v. South Korea game in São Paulo

1950 was the last time Brazil hosted the World Cup and it could be just as long for people to see the event being played out in the country again.  We knew we wanted to go to some games and the easiest (cheapest) way to do that would be stay in São Paulo and hope for good matchups.  Fortunately, we didn’t experience the difficulties others did and we won the ticket lottery with FIFA twice, which gave us four tickets to four games in São Paulo.  The random draw was fairly kind to us and we got to see traditional powers like England, Uruguay Chile, Holland, and Argentina.  As mostly impartial spectators, it was interesting to witness the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat unfold so humanly right in front of our eyes.  Even better was bringing along Dona Marlene and Vitor to the brand new state of the art stadium for a game that we’ll all remember.  It was one of the many unforgettable experiences and capped off an incredible month that was almost perfect…  Neither the US or Brazil would be champions this go-around, far from it actually.  But taking part in the event and living through the buzz made up for our teams’ failures.  It was a unique and perfect time to be in the country with family, enjoying the experience together.  It’s never easy to say goodbye after an extended stay and this time was no different but all good things must end.

A última vez que Brasil sediou a Copa do Mundo nós não éramos nem vivos, mas agora que temos a oportunidade de estar aqui, vamos nessa!!! Ir em um jogo então, seria praticamente um sonho, principalmente quando o estádio é novo em folha como o Itaquerão. Viajar para outras cidades ficaria um pouco fora  do nosso budget e complicado por estarmos falando de um país distintamente grande. Mas, sortudos que somos, entramos na loteria da Fifa e ganhamos em doble. Quatro ingressos para quatro jogos. Inglaterra, Uruguai, Chile, Holanda e Argentina… foram esses os times que presenciamos. Organizadíssimo, cheio de polícia, assentos marcados e estádio pulando de boa energia e melhor ainda é a compania dos queridos conosco. E todos os amigos/família todos que foram com agente, essa fica de história pra contar aos filhos. Mês inteiro passou, curtimos cada momento, e o sabor de quero mais fica ainda mais difícil na hora da despedida. Obrigadão por tudo e todos!!! Até a próxima Brasil : ))

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