Day 368: The End and the Beginning


Finally on our way home...

It’s hard to believe that our trip is finally over. It seems like yesterday we met the Australian couple that were on their own round the world adventure. Our conversation with them planted a seed that grew into something we had never contemplated. It’s interesting to think back to the beginning of our voyage, our time in Japan, and our fresh outlook of what lay ahead. It was all in front of us and as we moved through the Philippines, and Indonesia, we settled into our “travel rhythm”. India was unlike anything we had experienced before or after and is etched in our minds for so many reasons. Our safari in Kenya was like a scene out of The Lion King and when we got robbed in Tanzania, we felt like we were in a movie. Watching the Malawians dance so happily and carefree on Christmas Eve was a great unintentional gift. Laboring for room and board on the farm in South Africa reminded us what hard work was. Spending time with family in Brazil recharged us and seeing old friends in Venezuela was a little surreal. After falling in love with Colombia, we endured the rocky boat crossing into Panama for our Central American leg. The matchless natural beauty, the people’s warmth, the terrific foods, and the fresh feeling of life was the perfect way to wrap up our journey. It’s difficult to choose a “favorite” place because each one has its own unique qualities that make it special. Traveling 24x7x365 with anyone isn’t always easy but our relationship grew even stronger. Taking a trip around the world is great, but doing it with the one you love is a big, fat cherry on top. We’re thankful that God blessed us with the opportunity, kept us safe and watched over us. We’re thankful for our families and friends who were supportive, understanding, and patient. This trip is over and it’s never easy to come back, so the only thing we can do is start planning the next one…

Não dá nem para acreditar. Parece que foi ontem mesmo que encontramos aquele casal australiano no hostel em Miami, que estavam viajando pelo mundo, e que nos inspirou com suas loucas histórias. Parece que foi esses dias atrás que tínhamos acabado de chegar em Tókio, Indonésia, que nosso estômago estava reclamando da comida indiana ou que parecia estar num filme quando fomos roubado na Tanzânia. Ontem mesmo estávamos colhendo uvas na vinícola na África do Sul, aproveitando o carnaval em Brasil, revendo os amigos na Venezuela, ou quase morrendo de tanto enjoô no barco de Colômbia para Panamá. Todas as tortillas, comidas maravilhosas e pessoas mais que especiais na América Central. É difícil escolher só um lugar favorito. Cada um tem seu cheiro, suas diferenças, suas especialidades, suas pessoas distintas. Um ano se passou e muito além do conhecimento individual, nosso amor cresceu junto e só temos a agradecer ao Mestre Maior pela oportunidade de ter passado tanto tempo e viver tantas coisas junto com a pessoa que mais amo nesse mundo. Hoje somos um, e que os anjos continuem sempre a abençoar nosso caminho e todos que passam por ele. Não tenho nem palavras pela gratidão que sinto a toda nossa família e amigos pelo suporte, paciência, e corações abertos para acompanhar nossa aventura. E se valeu a pena? Valeu tanto que faria tudo de novo agora mesmo… claro que só se o barbudo da foto acima estiver comigo!

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4 thoughts on “Day 368: The End and the Beginning

  1. WOW…
    Every little place you visited I felt I were there too !
    I ate different foods, I smelled different scents, I got thrilled, amused, amazed, scared, happy…
    I have travelled with you, I prayed every to God to watch over you.
    Thank you for thanking me to visit the world with you, and for sharing amazing life changing stories.
    I wish you nothing but the best the world has to offer.
    Keep traveling, keep experimenting !
    Keep open to new adventures…
    Life is a great journey, and you have just began.
    Love you guys very much.
    I will be always by yourselves, no matter where our hearts are.

  2. Maravilhosos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Amo vcs!!
    Deus abençoe vcs!!!!!!!!!!!!isso não é pra qlq um !!!!!

  3. Que lindos!!! E eu acompanhei esse blog e todas as aventuras de vocês por aqui. Já pensaram em reunir fotos e relatos e transformar em um livro?

    1. querida, obrigadissima por viajar conosco!!! Simmmm!!! vamos transformar o blog em um livro!!! beijo grande

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