Day 310: Paris of the Maya world


Great Plaza at Copán Ruins

A must-see for us in Honduras, the Copán Ruins sparked our interest because they have some of the most impressive pre-Colombian art anywhere in the world.  The city was one of the great centers of Maya civilization more than a thousand years ago and culturally dominated the region for centuries.  Wonderfully preserved architecture, sculptures, and hieroglyphics are on display as well as the intricately carved stellae of the greatest ancient rulers.  About 60 kilometers from the border with Guatemala, the lavish cultural center and capital of the southern Mayan territory was so developed, it is often called the “Paris of the Maya world”.  It doesn’t take much imagination to walk through the Acropolis, Ball court, Hieroglyphic Stairway, and Great Plaza to get an idea of what the city once was.  We were thoroughly impressed and took it all in with eyes wide open, fascinated by the remains of the one-time great civilization that is no more.

Chegamos em uma das Ruínas Maya mais importantes do mundo. Hoje, além da aula de história, tivemos a oportunidade de reviver a época pré-colombiana no oeste de Honduras na cidade de Copán Ruínas. A pacata e pequena cidade é famosa por ainda manter intacta as trinta e oito estruturas mesmo depois de milhares de anos. Um grande complexo de pirâmides, praças, palácios com direito até a estádio meso-americano (antigo jogo que os Mayas levavam muito a sério). Devido a muitas inundações e pequenos terremotos, algumas partes foram destruídas, mas já estão sendo restaurandas por vários arqueólogos que estudam esse lugar sagrado e de tanta história.

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