Day 217: A game suitable for all ages


Dominoes action

In Venezuela, playing dominoes is not limited to senior citizens looking to pass the time away on a lazy afternoon. Like many other Latin American countries, the game is extremely popular and taken seriously among competitive friends. When Alex and his buddies get together, the specially constructed table is set up, the pen and paper readied to keep score, and everyone takes their seated positions. The games most often last hours and are as much about socializing as they are about playing. In the US this sort of dominoes hasn’t gotten the same amount of attention from the general population and people probably think more about this kind of dominoes than the actual game. Quick counting is the key to success along with other strategies between you and your partner. We thought it was funny that they weren’t real keen on letting a “novice” like me into their game but I’m leaving Venezuela undefeated…

E quem disse que dominos é coisa de velho? Pelo menos entre Alexis e seus amigos não… Eles levam a sério o jogo, contam as peças, fazem o placar como se estivessem numa competição de verdade. Dinheiro eles não apostam, mas o whisky corre solto para o jogador que tiver que passar a vez. Tudo começa com um churrasco, depois o jogo, depois valendo uns drinks, depois quem perder quer revanche e assim a noite passa que eles nem percebem. O sol amanhece, seis da matina, tudo isso em plena quarta-feira, dia de branco e aí que eles se dão conta que tem que acabar o jogo e ir ao trabalho. E eu que pensei que dominó fosse jogo de idosos… aqui há suas contradições!

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