Day 189: Not a bad combination


Taking it easy in a water hammock

Although Jericoacoara is a coastal town and claims to have one of the best beaches in the country, many tourists who visit the fishing small village spend their time hopping from one nearby lake to another.  There is good reason for this route because the picturesque lakes have calm, crystal waters and are ideal for “taking a bath”.  The first one we visited was Blue Lake which actually has greenish colored waters and then we moved on to Lake Paradise whose name is fitting.  One thing that stuck out to us was the hammocks the locals had set up in the shallow waters for some refreshing relaxation.  It seems that just about everywhere the people from Ceará find a way to take it easy suspended in the air.  We learned that oftentimes they have the hooks set up in their bedrooms at home so they are able to use the hammocks instead of a conventional bed if they want.

Jericoacoara na realidade só tem uma praia, e que por sinal é muito bonita, porém a atração principal são as lagoas. Na ponta norte fica a Lagoa Azul, que na realidade as àguas são verdes. E com 15km de extensão ao sul fica a Lagoa do Paraíso. Para chegar em ambas é necessário um carro 4×4 porque elas são rodeadas por dunas de areia branca e fofa. As lagoas são impressionantes, mas o que nos chamou mais a atenção foi as redes dentro d’àgua cristalina. Cearense adora uma rede e mesmo no quarto convencional eles trocam a cama pelo acessório confortável, muito engraçado. Aproveitamos o dia nessa beleza tropical, nadando com os peixes, se refrescando do calor de 40 graus e até tirando um cochilo na rede aquática.

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