Day 171: Super special fruit salad


Delicious açai fruit salad

A touted “super food” that is native to the northern part of Brazil, the acai berry is known to contain numerous antioxidants and believed to boost metabolism, reduce weight, and enhance athletic performance.  The dark purple berry is about the size of a large blueberry and is cultivated in the Brazilian rainforest from acai palms that grow to heights of more than 60 feet.  Brazilian natives discovered the healing properties of the acai berry thousands of years ago, as they found it boosted their energy when consumed regularly.  Because of its extraordinarily high nutritional value, indigenous tribes also used acai to treat various ailments and support a quick recovery.  In Brazil, they have nicknamed this super fruit the “Beauty Berry” because it has so many compounds that make the body both feel and look better from the inside out.  The powerful fruit is also the main ingredient of our favorite fruit salad that we can’t get enough of.

A super fruta, nativa da região do norte, conhecida mundialmente, porém, só aqui na nossa terrinha para ter esse sabor super especial. Além do do super valor nutricional, as formas de comê-la são literalmente ótimas. Nossa preferida é na salada de frutas porque a mistura dos dois é uma excelente combinação e da até água na boca de pensar. Estudos já comprovaram que a pequena fruta ajudar no combate à doenças como o câncer, além de controlar o colesterol e é ótima em dietas, então é tudo que precisamos fazer nesse momento é a Dieta do Açai!

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One thought on “Day 171: Super special fruit salad

  1. I can in the delicious picture that somebody had already spooned it !
    I wonder know if it was Marcia or Bryan ? kkkkkk

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